Posts Tagged with "Webinar"

CQ5 Development Setup, Maven Build and Deployment
Download and watch a webinar I did on CQ5 Development Setup, Maven Build and Deployment

AEM-Lingotek Translation Connector Webinar
Learn about the new AEM-Lingotek Connector developed by Six Dimensions.

Adobe Summit 2016 Sneaks: Peek at the Top 3 Technologies
Interview on Sneaks and the peek it gave into Adobe's upcoming technology

Adobe Summit Lessons: AEM Mobile, Adobe Campaign and More
Interview on top three things to see at Adobe Summit 2016

AEM Rockstar 2017 Presentation
Recording of my #AEMRockstar presentation at Adobe Summit 2017

Why Healthy Tension is Good for Your Project
A healthy tension is required to maintain balance between the teams in a digital marketing solution, attend my meetup on September 26th, to understand how this fits into the Complete AEM Content Lifecycle

Pluralsight Course: AEM Foundations
Adobe Experience Manager or AEM is Adobes market leading web content management and digital marketing platform. This course is ideal for backend developers and focuses on developing services, servlets, and jobs in AEM.

Upcoming Webinar: Easy Access to Critical Information: Content Reports in AEM
Announcing my webinar Easy Access to Critical Information: Content Reports in AEM

Adobe Summit 2018: Data Integration
While at Adobe Summit I had a chance to sit down and talk about the overall theme of Adobe Summit 2018, the integration of data.

Locked Down? Learn AEM this April
Whether you are laid off or slowed down, having additional value will give you an edge. Pluralsight has released their training for FREE in April, here's a guide to learning AEM!

RepoInit Detroit Adobe Experience Meetup
Miss my presentation on Sling RepoInit? Check out the presentation deck and recording.

Webinars Galore! Meet me at AdaptTo and Adobe Developers Live
It's going to be a busy autumn! I'm excited to present at two back-to-back conferences this fall: AdaptTo (Sept 27-29th) and Adobe Developers Live (Oct 4-5th)!