Posts Tagged with "Open Source"
\[SLING-2611] MockResource Properties
Learn about the new properties available on the Apache Sling Commons Testing's Mock Resource
New in Apache Sling: getChildren
Introducing a new method in the Sling Resource class: getChildren
New from Perficient: ACS AEM Commons Audit Log Search
Introducing a new feature I contributed to the ACS AEM Commons, Audit Log Search
Long Running Jobs Hate Him! One Simple Trick for Quicker AEM Content Jobs
Introducing a new contribution to the ACS AEM Commons library which allows developers to easily mass-activate content in AEM.
New From Perficient Digital: Content Reports in AEM
Perficient Digital's latest contribution to ACS AEM Commons, Report Builder allows for AEM Users and Administrators to create and execute content reports in AEM through an easy to use drag and drop interface.
Introducing Apache Sling 10
Announcing the release of Apache Sling 10 and the Service User WebConsole.
Misconceptions and the Missing Modules of Apache Sling
How can you find the source or JavaDocs for an Apache Sling dependency of AEM? The answer is trickier than you'd think, but I've got a new tool to make it easier!
Achieving Development Tranquility with the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole
A video about the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole a new feature in AEM from Perficient/Digital that will make creating service users significantly easier for AEM developers.
Building a Zero Cost Website with Apache Sling CMS
Over the last few months, I have created and Open Sourced an intuitive, full-featured Content Management System based on the Apache Sling framework as the Apache Sling CMS.
New Release: AEM DataLayer 0.3.0
Announcing the latest version of AEM DataLayer with support for AEM 6.4 and Johnzon serialization
New ACS AEM Commons Contribution: Tag Reports
See how Tag Managers can use Tag Reports to create a report of all the references to all of the tags under a path in AEM
Visualize OSGi Service Graphs with Composum
Here's a neat trick for AEM developers and architects: you can create a diagram representation of the service dependencies using Composum.
Sling CMS Version 0.14.0: New Capabilities and Experience Improvements
The latest release of Sling CMS, 0.14.0, brings tremendous new capabilities and dramatic improvements to the authoring experience.
Adding Marketo Forms in AEM Pages
Adobe's acquisition of Marketo brings exciting opportunities to extend Adobe's considerable marketing capabilities. As a leading partner, Perficient built a component to integrate Marketo JavaScript forms into AEM and contributed it into ACS AEM Commons.
Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 1
My initial learnings in updating Sling CMS to the Sling Feature Model