Posts Tagged with "Apache Sling"

Good to Know: The Sling PersistableValueMap
Learn about the PersistableValueMap which makes it possible to save values to the JCR datastore through the Sling API.

New in CQ 5.5: Sling Adapters Console
Introduction to the new Sling Adapters Console, available in Adobe CQ5.
![\[SLING-2611] MockResource Properties](/images/posts/shared/sling.jpeg)
\[SLING-2611] MockResource Properties
Learn about the new properties available on the Apache Sling Commons Testing's Mock Resource

New in Apache Sling: getChildren
Introducing a new method in the Sling Resource class: getChildren

Gotcha: Sling Servlet Requires a Name
In order to create a sling servlet you must set a name for it - learn why

Sling (sort of) Requires Javax Servlet
Find out how to resolve a missing javax.servlet dependency when using the Apache Sling API.

Creating Integration Tests in Apache Sling
Learn about how to create Integration Tests in Apache SLing with the SlingTestBase

Ask the Experts: CQ5 Inheritance Model
Asking the experts to compare CQ's Inheritance Model to Java's Inheritance Model
Beware of Export-Package
Illustrates why you need to be careful with the Export-Package instruction and in general when setting up a project.

New from Apache Sling: Resource Access Tags
Introduces the new Resource Access tags in the Sling JSP Taglib

Service Boss Level: Service Factories
Discusses the process for creating a Sling Service Factory

Service Boss Level Part 2: Custom Web Console Plugins
Discusses the process for creating a custom Apache Felix Web Console Plugin

New in AEM 5.6.1: Workflow Purge Scheduler
Introduction and basic documentation for the new Workflow Purge Scheduler in CQ 5.6.1

Six Dimensions Supports the Apache Sling Project: Resource.hasChildren
Learn about Six Dimensions' recent contribution to the Sling API of a new hasChildren method

New from Apache Sling: Testing Tools 1.0.8
Highlights some of the features available in the new 1.0.8 release of the Apache Sling Testing Tools library.

New from Apache Sling: JSP XSS Protection
The Apache Sling Project introduces new XSS Protection tags into the Sling JSP Taglib

9 JCR-SQL2 Queries Every AEM Developer Should Know
A list of 9 JCR-SQL2 queries every AEM developer should know.

Sling Models for Fun and Profit
Learn how Sling Models can make AEM development easier and more fun by replacing spaghetti and boilerplate code with dynamic models.

Accessing Request Variables in Sightly
Shares a few approaches to accessing request variables in Sightly.
404 ModifiableValueMap Not Found: Considerations in Using ModifiableValueMaps in an API
Running into a null pointer exception when using a ModifiableValueMap and not sure why? This blog post pulls back the covers and offers some alternative ideas.

New in Apache Sling: FSClassLoader Console
In AEM 6.1, the default repository based ClassLoader was replaced with the new FSClassLoader (File System ClassLoader). This post talks about how this affects developers as well as introducing a new OSGi console to help developers debug issues in JSP development.

FSClassLoader Now In AEM6.0 SP3
The FSClassLoader now comes in AEM 6.0 SP3, learn how developers can use the OSGi Console to view Java files for their JSPs

Clearing AEM's JSP Cache in your Jenkins Build
How to clear AEM's Compiled JSP cache in your Continuous Integration build

AEM Rockstar
I’m thrilled to announce that I will be presenting at Adobe Summit during the AEM Rockstars session. This session will feature 5 AEM Rockstars presenting the top-voted tips, tricks and strategies from this year. I will be presenting on using Sling Models to integrate Adobe Experience Manager and the Adobe Marketing Cloud.

AEM 6.3: Handling Feelings of Deprecation
The latest version of Adobe Experience Manager, AEM 6.3 includes depreciation of the Apache Felix SCR Annotations and Apache Sling Commons JSON, how do you cope?

How to Incorporate Front End Builds into OSGi Bundles
Shows how to integrate Front End built tools into an Apache Maven based OSGi Bundle build process

Introducing Apache Sling 10
Announcing the release of Apache Sling 10 and the Service User WebConsole.

3 Gotchas in Migrating from Felix SCR to OSGi R6 Annotations
If you use AEM 6.3+ you should be using the OSGi R6 DS Annotations, but how do you avoid gotchas when upgrading old projects?

Misconceptions and the Missing Modules of Apache Sling
How can you find the source or JavaDocs for an Apache Sling dependency of AEM? The answer is trickier than you'd think, but I've got a new tool to make it easier!

No Servlets Required: Exporting Data with Sling Models
Are you still writing Servlets to render JSON in AEM? Use the Sling Models Exporter instead!

Anatomy of the Ideal Background Job
I've seen and written a lot of background jobs in my career and in my experience, they are most common culprits to hard-to-diagnose issues in website operations. This is why, with background jobs, it's even more important than your standard component code to ensure the job executes successfully.

Markdown in AEM with Flexmark
Unfortunately, AEM did not provide a mechanism to interact with Markdown content, nor were any of the Java markdown libraries compatible with OSGi. Recently, I worked with the Flexmark team to produce an OSGi bundle version of the Flexmark markdown library.

Monitoring AEM in Adobe Managed Services with Sling Health Checks
Implementing proactive monitoring of AEM web applications using Sling Health Checks and Nagios when hosting through Adobe Managed Services.

Achieving Development Tranquility with the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole
A video about the Apache Sling Service User WebConsole a new feature in AEM from Perficient/Digital that will make creating service users significantly easier for AEM developers.

Lucky #11: Sling 11 and Java 11 Support
The Apache Sling project just released the latest version of the Apache Sling Starter, version 11. This artifact is an aggregator of the modules making up Apache Sling and is used by many downstream applications as a basis for the "stable" version of the Apache Sling codebase.

Resource Streams in Apache Sling
This new Resource Filter API allows AEM / Sling developers to be significantly more succinct and readable and how they perform common repository traversals. It's not a pure replacement of JCR queries, but for simple content structures you can do a lot more with a lot less code.

Building a Zero Cost Website with Apache Sling CMS
Over the last few months, I have created and Open Sourced an intuitive, full-featured Content Management System based on the Apache Sling framework as the Apache Sling CMS.

Where's the Workflow??
Workflows are a powerful tool in AEM, however, due to questionable UI choices, they are buried. Here's how to cleanly overlay the default AEM experience using Sling Resource Merger.

Dynamic Dropdowns in AEM Content Fragments
In this post, I'll show you how to easily and cleanly create a dynamic dropdown in an AEM Content Fragment Model driven by an ACS AEM Commons Generic List.

Revealing Hidden OAK Properties
Did you know there are properties you can't see in your Apache Sling / Adobe Experience Manager repository? You can see them with Apache Oak Run.

Visualize OSGi Service Graphs with Composum
Here's a neat trick for AEM developers and architects: you can create a diagram representation of the service dependencies using Composum.

Sling CMS Version 0.14.0: New Capabilities and Experience Improvements
The latest release of Sling CMS, 0.14.0, brings tremendous new capabilities and dramatic improvements to the authoring experience.

AEM as a Cloud Service Follow-Up: Insights from Cedric Huesler
Yesterday, Cedric Huesler, the Director of Product Management at Adobe started a Twitter thread on AEM as a Cloud Service. I have a number of burning questions about AEM as a Cloud Service, so I figured I'd take Cedric up on the offer to ask anything.

How AEM as a Cloud Service Scales
With AEM as a Cloud Service, Adobe has solved some challenging problems to make AEM scale in the cloud. Here's how Adobe can scale AEM as a Cloud Service, vs the fixed model for AEM "Classic".

Deploying Sling CMS Apps with GitHub Actions
With Github Actions and Sling CMS, you can not only host a small Apache Sling CMS website for free, you can even have a reliable CI/CD process!

4 Useful Features of Composum Browser
Composum Browser is an Open Source JCR Node browser for Apache Sling and bills itself as the Swiss knife for the repository. Composum Browser has been included in Apache Sling since Sling 9 and is available in all versions of Apache Sling CMS. Here are four useful features in Composum Browser.

One Tool to Configure Them All: Sling Repoinit
Learn how to configure your AEM repository with code via Apache Sling RepoInit

Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 1
My initial learnings in updating Sling CMS to the Sling Feature Model

RepoInit Detroit Adobe Experience Meetup
Miss my presentation on Sling RepoInit? Check out the presentation deck and recording.

Upcoming Webinar - Sling RepoInit
Curious about using Sling RepoInit? Want to learn more in-depth about how Sling RepoInit can enable your AEM DevOps team to manage the initial repository state in code? Join the Detroit AEM virtual meetup on Thursday July 9th from 6:00 - 6:50 PM EST.

Apache Sling JVM Performance Comparison
A comparison of the performance of top Java Virtual Machine implementations in running Apache Sling.

Apache Sling JVM Performance Followup
Follow up on my initial performance comparison of Java Virtual Machine implementations in running Apache Sling using more iterations to get better data

Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 2 - Composite NodeStore
Continue exploring the Sling Feature Model by building an Oak Composite NodeStore in Docker

Exploring the Sling Feature Model: Part 3 - Custom Aggregates
Describes the process for creating custom aggregates with Apache Sling CMS and the Sling Feature Model for running in Docker containers

Lambda, Optional and Streams with Apache Sling
Tips on using Java's Lambda Expressions, Streams and Optionals with Apache Sling

Completion vs Success
Conflating completion and success makes developer's jobs harder. These two ideas are similar, but there are significant differences in the meaning and situations where the two concepts are useful.

The Summer of Sling
There's some great events and conferences coming up this summer for enthusiasts and developers on Apache Sling. Check them out!

But it works in the Dependency Finder!?
AEM as a Cloud Service uses a new feature of Apache Sling, the Sling Feature Model API Regions - how this feature may effect your dependency use in AEM

Conflicts with Sling Feature Model and Content Configurations
Don't mingle Apache Sling OSGi Feature Model and content configurations for content creation, ACLs or OSGi configuration definitions

New Sling CMS Release: Improved Thumbnail Support & Bug Fixes
A new version of Sling CMS, version 1.1.0 was just released. Highlights include improved thumbnail support as well as resolved bugs.

Unicode Fun with Apache Jackrabbit / Sling
Experimenting with using Unicode characters in the JCR

5 Techniques to Modernize Your AEMCS Tests
You've modernized your CMS, now modernize your tests!

Sling Recent Requests Parser
Introducing a new tool I’ve been working on the parse and analyze Slong Recent Requests logs