My Musings

My recent blog posts, webinars and whitepapers. Mostly about technology and digital marketing.

A Retrospective on HTL: The Wrong Solution for the Problem

A Retrospective on HTL: The Wrong Solution for the Problem

I have a confession to make: in my heart of hearts I know JSP is better than HTL / Sightly.

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Anatomy of the Ideal Background Job

Anatomy of the Ideal Background Job

I've seen and written a lot of background jobs in my career and in my experience, they are most common culprits to hard-to-diagnose issues in website operations. This is why, with background jobs, it's even more important than your standard component code to ensure the job executes successfully.

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Misconceptions and the Missing Modules of Apache Sling

Misconceptions and the Missing Modules of Apache Sling

How can you find the source or JavaDocs for an Apache Sling dependency of AEM? The answer is trickier than you'd think, but I've got a new tool to make it easier!

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No Servlets Required: Exporting Data with Sling Models

No Servlets Required: Exporting Data with Sling Models

Are you still writing Servlets to render JSON in AEM? Use the Sling Models Exporter instead!

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Adobe Analytics Release: Attribution IQ, Visit Duration and More!

Adobe Analytics Release: Attribution IQ, Visit Duration and More!

Adobe's July 2018 release includes incredible new features for enhanced attribution, visit configuration and usage tracking.

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Take the Quiz: What is My Content Production Approach?

Take the Quiz: What is My Content Production Approach?

Building a content production approach is critical to a successful implementation of Adobe Experience Manager.

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Architecting a Taxonomy for Articles in AEM

Architecting a Taxonomy for Articles in AEM

One of the most common content structures in Content Management is articles. Articles are self-contained pieces of content relating to a single subject.

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Mastering AEM Dispatcher Part 6: Managing Redirects Made Even Easier!

Mastering AEM Dispatcher Part 6: Managing Redirects Made Even Easier!

Introducing an enhancement to the Redirect Manager to allow for direct editing of the redirect map entries.

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Adobe Summit 2018: Data Integration

Adobe Summit 2018: Data Integration

While at Adobe Summit I had a chance to sit down and talk about the overall theme of Adobe Summit 2018, the integration of data.

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3 Gotchas in Migrating from Felix SCR to OSGi R6 Annotations

3 Gotchas in Migrating from Felix SCR to OSGi R6 Annotations

If you use AEM 6.3+ you should be using the OSGi R6 DS Annotations, but how do you avoid gotchas when upgrading old projects?

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Developing Clean and Efficient Lists of Items with HTL

Developing Clean and Efficient Lists of Items with HTL

In HTL many developers create overly complex Sling Model driven components for simple content lists. Instead, using child-component includes you can create complex content-driven components without a line of Java code.

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Upcoming Webinar: Easy Access to Critical Information: Content Reports in AEM

Upcoming Webinar: Easy Access to Critical Information: Content Reports in AEM

Announcing my webinar Easy Access to Critical Information: Content Reports in AEM

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