Add a facet for each Metadata item under Design > Navigation > Facets:
Finally, add the Facets to both the transport and presentation templates:
Transportation Template
Display Template
One these steps are completed, re-crawl the AEM site to get Adobe Search&Promote to index the new data.
Once Adobe Search&Promote picks up the new facets, add or expose the Facet data via Meta tags on all of the AEM pages. For example, a page could have the following attributes:
This page would appear in the Health Library and Program and Service search components as well as in site search.
The Page Categories drive the category list on the left of the page. These filters allow users to refine the results by category or text search.
Leveraging Apache Sling’s powerful request extensions allows you to generate dynamic, cachable URLs. For example, you could use the Sling Selectors to provide the Page Category and the Sling Suffix to drive the pagination.
This allows user interactions not using text search to be cached, reducing the number of server calls, reducing the load on the AEM Publisher and speeding up common requests.
Leveraging cachable URLs can have huge benefits when text search is not the primary method of interacting with your search based component but does not offer as much of a benefit for experiences which include mostly text searching.
The possibilities enabled by a powerful site search engine like Adobe Search&Promote are underappreciated in many AEM and digital marketing projects. By leveraging the full power of AEM and Adobe Search&Promote, you can create dynamic experiences that can easily be optimized and tweaked by marketing.
Get in touch with Perficient Digital’s Adobe experts to understand how you can leverage AEM + Adobe Search&Promote on your digital marketing program.