Simply fill out the form to create a new Service User.
Generally, you’ll fill out all of the fields including:
Service User Name - The name of the user to create. If a user already exists with this name, an additional Service User configuration will be created granting additional services access to use this user
Intermediate Path - The path under which to create the user. This should start with system, ex: system/myapp would create a user under /home/users/system/myapp
Bundle - Select the bundle to make this Service User available
Sub-Service Name - Additional name for allowing different services within a bundle access to different Service Users
Application Path - The path under which to create the sling:OsgiConfig node to configure this Service User’s settings
ACLs - Create permissions along with the Service User. Allows for entering a repository path and selecting the ACL to apply at that path
Once you click create, the Service User will be created (or updated) and the ACLs will be applied. This will then direct you to a details page showing the details for the Service User.
This page will show detailed information about the Service User as well as examples of Package filter.xml settings and example(s) of using the Service Users from an OSGi Service.
Managing Service Users
From the Service User WebConsole landing page, you can view all of the existing Service Users. If you select a Service User name, you will be taken to the details for this Service User. Selecting the bundle name will take you to the bundle details in the OSGi console.
Using the Service User WebConsole in Older Sling-based Applications
The Service User WebConsole is compatible with older Sling-based applications, such as Apache Sling Launchpad 9 or Adobe Experience Manager 6.3. To enable the Service User WebConsole in these applications, upload and install the following bundles in your OSGi Console:
To start the application and in a few moments you can browse through the documentation on the refreshed landing screen and use Composum to explore the Apache Sling repository!