The red area is the editor chrome and the blue area is the iframe. AEM then lays a transparent div over the top of the iframe to add the actual editor actions and prevent certain actions, such as clicking links from occurring.
Now you might ask: how does AEM know where the components are and how do some components support both Touch and Classic UI? The trick is Adobe injects some code surrounding each component in a filter called the WCMComponentFilter. This filter is called on all of the component includes in author and determines whether it should include ClassicUI code like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
Or TouchUI code like this:
<!--cq{"decorated":true,"type":"wcm/foundation/components/parsys/newpar","path":"/libs/page-status-report/jcr:content/parameters/*","selectors":null,"servlet":"Script /libs/wcm/foundation/components/parsys/newpar/newpar.html","totalTime":1,"selfTime":1}-->
<cq data-path="/libs/page-status-report/jcr:content/parameters/*" data-config="{"path":"/libs/page-status-report/jcr:content/parameters/*","slingPath":"/libs/page-status-report/jcr:content/parameters/*.html","type":"wcm/foundation/components/parsys/newpar","isResponsiveGrid":false,"csp":"report-builder|app-page|page/parameters|parsys/newpar","editConfig":{"actions":[CQ.wcm.EditBase.INSERT],"disableTargeting":true}}"></cq>
Normally, the Filter determines which editor mode to use by invoking the AuthoringUIModeService, which checks the user and system preferences for which editor to use as well as what kind of URL is used for iframing in the content, e.g. /editor.html or not. Unfortunately, there’s also a special if statement for /etc:
if("html".equals(slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension()) && resource.adaptTo(com/day/cq/wcm/api/Page) != null && path.startsWith("/etc/") && !path.startsWith("/etc/commerce/") && !path.startsWith("/etc/segmentation/contexthub") && !TemplateUtils.isPageOfAuthoredTemplate(resource))
authoringUIMode = AuthoringUIMode.CLASSIC;
So if you’re under /etc, but not under:
Then, AEM always forces the editor to classic, even if you are using the TouchUI editor window.
This causes your page to not be editable when using the TouchUI editor window because it is using the legacy JavaScript. This code references a CQ.WCM.edit method, which does not exist in Touch UI, leading to errors like this:
There are a couple options on how to work around this issue: