Why Healthy Tension is Good for Your Project

Why Healthy Tension is Good for Your Project

Too much tension is deadly for teams and projects, causing fraying tempers and relationships. Too little tension can also endanger projects, by allowing one perspective to control the project, to the detriment of others.

Many teams and perspectives are required to create a successful digital marketing solution team. Digital marketing teams may include digital marketers, designers, strategist and developers. Members of each teams, due to their background and training, come with a different perspective of what “success” looks like. For designers it may be delighting the end users, whereas developers are more concerned about consistency and reliability. All of these perspectives are required, but the often come into conflict.

In my upcoming Meetup talk, The Complete AEM Content Lifecycle, I will talk about what Healthy Tension looks like on your project. I’ll dive into what you can do as a developer or architect to ensure project success. And, I’ll discuss how this is a part of the full process of getting content live on the Adobe Experience Cloud platform.

September 26th: Complete AEM Content Lifecycle Meetup!

Interested in hearing more about how to manage Healthy Tension on your project? Attend my Complete AEM Content Lifecycle meetup on Tuesday, September 26th online and at Adobe’s NYC office and learn more!

Attend the Meetup!

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