My CQ5 Bookmarks

My CQ5 Bookmarks

I’m pretty sparing with bookmarks, however there are a few pages I use just about every day for my job developing for Adobe CQ5. I have these daily use bookmarks in my bookmarks toolbar. They are:

CQ Toggle

Actually, this is a bookmarklet, but it allows me to easily switch between editing more and a more ‘real’ preview mode.

CQ Widgets API

A must have for dialog development. Documents the available dialog widgets as well as the CQ JavaScript API. Combine this with firebug and you have everything you need to develop client side code for CQ.

JSTL JavaDoc

I’m always forgetting the attribute names when using JSLT, very useful when developing server-side code.


Links to the various Java APIs used to create Adobe CQ. Must have for developing server-side code.

How about you?

What links have you bookmarked? What links do you use every day?

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